Sunday 17 June 2018

Happy Father's Day

This one's for you , Dad . 

Sure , there are other fatherly figures in my life , but there's only one you. And there' s no one quite like you, except for me . But , you already know that. 

I never had an answer to the questions , "whom do you look up to ?" or what do you want to be when you grow up ?" . I am halfway done with growing up and still clueless as ever.I knew I never looked up to any famous personalities ; they just didn't seem relatable enough. I knew that I looked up to Mom, but even at the wonderful age of six , I knew she had her flaws. It was only at the age of sixteen , that I realized that some part of me has always looked up to Dad too. 

My father is perfectly imperfect . He is loud , hyperactive , overly emotional , prone to temper and at times overly intrusive . In short, the bane of any regular teenage girl's life. 

How fortunate it is for me , then that I have never been a regular teenage girl. 

I am my Daddy's little princess , and I am my Daddy's son. And if you asked us , we would happily certify that we are the only two sane people surrounded by some rather eccentric entities , no doubt. Fashion is beyond us , we tend to be rather extremely insensitive ,accidentally and we are undoubtedly the ones with the best and worst relationship  in the household. 

We have a silent code for communication , which is mostly along the lines of "just listen to whatever they are saying because there is no point trying to explain it". We are the proud founders and members of the United Front Against Jeans don't need to be washed every other day , that's the point of jeans . It is universal truth that the final match of a cricket tournament is more important than dinner , especially if it's de Villiers or Gayle on the crease. Everyone knows that snacks tastes better when they are "mom-disapproved" and "dad-approved". And despite popular opinion, ice cream tastes better in winter. Preferably peak winter , when you are guaranteed to end up with a sore throat after it.

My dad is responsible for my taste in music , movies , games and vacations. I know , how to pack for a fortnight and still fit my stuff , from shoes to electronics into one small suitcase and one small backpack. He  taught me what a road trip truly is. ( The two speed freaks in the front seats having fun and the back benchers sleeping , with the most off key version of songs being played at full volume ) I ate more green vegetables , and raw at that any other kid of my age , I can identify a good amount of flora and fauna , and I have an enviable vocabulary when it comes to names of places . I cannot remember how many times I have got into arguments about the existence of some place that only I seemed to know of, because 1) it was either foreign or it is was so Indian that no one knew it.

 My father taught me how to play . I'm not a musician , nor I am sportsperson .What my father taught me was how to dealt in life. My father taught me how to love unconditionally . He taught me how to read people and how to live with them . He taught me all little things that can make world a difference. 

We also have a huge list of "this stays between us secrets , but I can't tell you those . Because that stays between us. 

They say that girls look their fathers in all the boys they meet. If that is true , then I assure you that I am going to die single , because there is absolutely no way that anyone will ever match up . So , dad you are stuck with me for life , not going anywhere.

Love you Dad .  

Sunday 13 May 2018

Happy Mother's Day !

This piece isn't strictly for my mom . This is for her , and all those aunts , friends teachers, cousins and all of those mommy figures in my life. I hope this shows you what you mean to me.

My mom has always been so much more. I owe half my genetic material and a good amount of my character to her. No words can surface to express in their entity what she is - what all mothers are.

Giving birth to someone does not make you a parent whether  you are adopted or not , makes no difference .If I have brought you up for all these years ,and loved you for every second of it -I am your mother ,flesh and blood.

Making things clear , I am not adopted .But , those words are indeed my mother's . The background doesn't matters, the content does.

This is dedicated to my mother and to all those wonderful, wonderful women , who have been a motherly figure to me , at some point in my life , even if for a few moments .This is for every woman out there who can find some part of herself in my words , no matter who you are.

Here's to you .All of you .

To the woman who has been a friend , and a confidante at all times .From listening to my drama to sharing your own, yeah you do sometimes , she has done it all. We have spoken like equals , and at times ,even swapped roles. We have laughed ourselves silly over oddest of things ,and discussed in depth , the most boring topics. We have gossiped like teenagers and argues like professionals.

She will yell at me to put my phone aside , yet she will be the one to ask how some complicated function will work. She will go on and on about how I read to much and damage my eyesight ,but she will be the one to call me from some random city airport asking me whether I had like so and so book. She will lecture me about spending too much time on my friend's problem - "sort your own mess first , your life is in shambles." but she will be the one listening to all my rants and providing solution to problems that aren't even her concern.

She is forgetful ,and I am forever running around to locate her misplaced phone, purse whenever I am home. She is hopeless ,and she speaks her language of her own , one that I have learnt to decode after years of practice.

What she says - "The remote is next to the microwave "
What she means - "The phone is next to TV"

My mom is ordinary , not exceedingly rich , not drop down gorgeous , no glamour , No fame , yet she is the most extra ordinary woman I have ever seen.

Heaven knows how she deals with people. If I could have a 10th of her patience , my life would be a million times easier . She does same things day in and day out and yet she has the same energy of a 10 year old girl.

I could write and write , and still fall short of words . How could someone describe someone who is everything ?

This is a mother .She is caring ( " She asks me everytime , beta khana khaya " ) , No matter how much I grow , I am always that lil baby to her . Her smile is the most beautiful thing in this world .

Happy Mother's day Maa <3