Sunday, 20 October 2019

Sorry I am booked.

Sorry I am booked.

They say intoxication is dangerous , because of the addiction. Experience the high one , lose yourself to euphoria and you will come back for more. You will return again and again and keep on coming back because it is never enough.How could it be ? How could you ever get enough of that reality , an escape from reality? How could you get enough of freedom, power and magic?

Eden. Inferno. Salvation.Damnation. All rolled inside me.

Now , before you get any ideas , I do not support alcoholism and drug abuse. This is intoxication of different kind.

This is an undeniable allure; one for which I am powerless against. The scent of paper and ink and the crackle of pages turned for first time. The softness of leather bound spines, and the richness of glossy jackets give me the key to library and leave me in peace. Let me make new friends and fall in love too. Let me reacquaint with my old long lost friends and old lovers. Let me mourn the departed friends and lost loves. But most of all, let me discover the hidden me.

Books have been an escape from myself, as well as mirrors into my soul. I find peace in their pages and acceptance within their words, movies don't attract me at all. My imagination has unfurled within them , and wonders come to my life by the magic of words. I have seen, heard, smelt tasted, sensed and touched ; all through their intricate spell woven by them.

I am a girl. I am a boy. I am a man. I am a woman. I am alive and I have been dead too. I have possed bodies and taken over senses. I have traveled the world, hopped dimensions  and walked through time. I have world's at my fingertips and dimensions within my arm's reach. I have lived through aeons and seen myths unfold. I am a dreamer, a thinker, a alchemist , a wizard, a witch ,a spy , an elf, a scientist , a detective , a GOD , a titan, a sorcerer and so much more.

I have lived so many lifetimes within mine own that they have melded together to create one harmonious melody that thrums my veins . I have seen through the eyes of those I read and the spoken words fallen from their lips. I have lived with them and learned with them. I have imbibed their  experience and learned their knowledge . For all those who say books are fictional couldn't be more wrong. The words may be fictional, the magic may not exist , the apocalypse may not be upon us , but the characters are real. They are as human as any of us and their thoughts and ideas are reflection of them.

With all this said , whenever I have blown someone off for a book, saying that I was busy or I had another appointment , it was no lie. I told you truth , you just couldn't perceive it. After all, it can't be more obvious than " I am Book-ed".

As for all those who belong to the section of e-books and electronic readers , "I am sorry". "I am sorry that you will never know the sensuous pleasure of reading a true book, and how it assails four out of five senses.

"Books have soul". "Pieces of metals do not".

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